Shah Rukh Khan’s last few films failed to work at the box office. However, he silenced his critics in style with his latest film, Pathaan. Also co-starring Deepika Padukone and John Abraham, it became the first Hindi film to collect more than Rs 500 crores at the India box office. It created madness in cinemas, especially in the scene where he teams up with Tiger, played by Salman Khan, and defeats the baddies. Fans are excited as they’ll now get to see SRK in a cameo in Salman Khan’s Tiger 3, which releases on Diwali. However, the moviegoers and the industry are much more kicked about Tiger vs Pathaan. It’ll feature Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan in prominent roles and is surely one of the most anticipated films in Indian cinema. Bollywood Hungama has learnt about an interesting aspect regarding the remuneration of both the actors. A source told us, “Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, and Aditya Chopra have decided on the profit-sharing model. This is common and most stars today opt for this mode instead of charging fees upfront. But Tiger vs Pathaan is a unique case as both SRK and Salman will each get a 40% share in the profits.” The source continued, “Yash Raj Films will get a 20% profit share in the film. While 20% may seem too little but it’ll still mean a lot of moolah given the anticipated size of the profits. After all, let’s not forget that Pathaan has collected more than Rs 1000 crores worldwide, that too, just from the theatres. Tiger vs Pathaan will surely be a bigger hit. This means the profits will also be bigger.” An industry insider quipped, “It’s a standard practice for stars to charge 60% or 70% of profits made by a film. Tiger vs Pathaan is a unique case as after a long time, two actors, both at par in terms of stardom and popularity, have decided to come together for a film. Usually, the recent two-hero films have featured actors who were unequal when it comes to star power. So, the remuneration also used to be skewed. But in Tiger vs Pathaan, both deserve equal pay. And they both are big and hence, it’s no wonder that the lion’s share of the profits will go into their pockets.” Also Read: Shah Rukh Khan-Salman Khan starrer Tiger vs Pathaan to be one of the COSTLIEST films in Bollywood; will be made at a STAGGERING cost of Rs. 300 crores
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