Earlier this year in January, Bollywood Hungama had reported that Janhvi Kapoor and Ranveer Singh were in advanced discussions with the makers to feature in the remake of the 1988 film Tezaab. Interestingly, Kabir Singh producer Murad Khetani, who had acquired the remake rights of the film in 2021, was initially keen on casting Kartik Aaryan and Shraddha Kapoor; however, it was later revealed that the film would in fact feature Janhvi-Ranveer pair reprising the roles of Madhuri Dixit and Anil Kapoor from the original. However, as they say, nothing is over till it is over. Now we hear that the film in question has undergone yet another casting change. As per the latest update, Kartik Aaryan seems to have pipped Ranveer Singh to clinch the title role in the Tezaab remake.
Revealing details about the sudden change in the film’s casting, a source in the know revealed to Bollywood Hungama, “Initially the makers of the Tezaab remake were toying with the idea of featuring Ranveer Singh essaying the role of Anil Kapoor in the remake. In fact, a number of reports in the media even claimed that the actor had been finalized. However, it was not meant to be.” Explaining how Kartik stepped in, the source continues, “Kartik Aaryan has previously worked with the producers on Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2, and he shares a good rapport with them. When he heard of the casting, Kartik reached out expressing his desire to be part of the venture. Given their past history together and the fact that the film did rather well at the box office, the makers of the Tezaab remake were more than happy to accommodate the actor.”
Revealing a small fact, the source added, “Kartik was already in talks with the makers of the Tezaab remake for a different venture. It was during these talks that he expressed his interest to feature in the movie.”
For now, an official announcement of the cast is awaited, in fact, the makers of the film are expected to make one soon. As for Tezaab, the action romance film starring Anil Kapoor and Madhuri Dixit was released in 1988.
Also Read: Janhvi Kapoor and Ranveer Singh to share screen space together in Tezaab remake
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